Victoria Park / Barrambin
Through engagement and co-design, First Nations knowledges were embedded across the masterplan of Brisbane's latest inner city parkland.
Eastern Kuku Yalanjiwarra Culture and Tourism Hub
The EKY Culture and Tourism Hub project – a collaboration between The Fulcrum Agency and Blaklash.
101 Albert St
The Albert Street Tower is envisioned as a catalyst for healing and change, incorporating traditional knowledge and Indigenous technologies.
USC Sippy Downs Campus Master Plan
Our vision for the campus is to create a transformative educational institution that enables Kabi Kabi people to reclaim, revitalise, and celebrate the complex and sophisticated cultural knowledge systems connected to the campus and the broader cultural landscape.
QUT Carumba Institute & Oodgeroo Unit
Blaklash was engaged by Queensland University of Technology to serve as the Indigenous Design Consultant and Art Curator for the new Oodgeroo and Carumba Unit space at the Gardens Point campus.
'Following Paperbarks'
Blaklash delivered a major facade commission for QUT’s Kelvin Grove campus, featuring First Nations stories of place and culture.